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5 Ekim 2013 Cumartesi

Best Hotels in Goa near Calanguate Beach

Why should you choose these hotels to stay near Calanguate Beach? Under the shade of palm trees, bathes the Queen of Beaches- Calangute seems to be a distortion of the local vernacular wordóëKoli-guttií, which means land of fishermen.†The beach is fringed with popular restaurants and hotels. This long, seven-km sweep of sand located 15 kms from Panaji, is called the 'Queen of Beaches'. You will find many hotels here to stay but following are among the best hotels in Goa and why they are best, Letís check outÖ. Pousada Tauma Casa Severina Kingstork Beach Resort Azzure Resort Goa These are some of the best hotels in Goa near Calanguate Beach. There are many more but as per the reviews and facilities provided, these are the best ones. I hope this video will help you to find good accommodation places in Goa. Like and Subscribe

1 yorum:

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    Hotels in Goa near Beach
